We have a dream to plant the world's biggest peace garden and we welcome everyone's help (local-global) to discover success.
We have identified almost 400 acres of fertile land to grow our DREAM, but we need proven activists, seeds, funding, and lots of marketing pros to help our city SING.
What IF the birthplace of Dr. King grew a HUGE garden to honor his wife? She helped inspire the great and historic speech:
The most ideal name for this proposed new international tourist destination is:
Coretta's Global Peace Garden (CGPG).
Our grassroots organization has the GOAL, but we need courageous civic & business leaders to make it ROLL.
Let's do this together, OK?
Coretta Scott King was a proponent of Mahatma Gandhi like her husband. Gandhi could have been easily referring to a leader like Mrs. King when he stated:
"the future is with woman!"
Many years ago Coretta Scott King "called" women forward, and now the USA has its FIRST-ever Woman Vice President. Here are Mrs. King's words: "Women, if the soul of the nation is to be saved, I believe that you must become its soul."
President Carter, at Mrs. King’s memorial, stated: "The efforts of Martin and Coretta, although not appreciated even at the highest level of government, have changed America."
ONE day after her death on 30 January 2006, Congressman John Lewis proclaimed: "Coretta Scott King... must be remembered...as one of the founding mothers of the new America."
When we recall the inspiring dignity that Coretta Scott King emanated through the hard years of Dr. King's activism and in establishing the KING Center, you cannot help but admire her. The Atlanta: City of Peace organization declared her 'The Honorary Matriarch for the Peace Millennium (Years 2000-3000)' and she is worthy of this and every other form of celebration.
Copyright © 2024 The Global Peace Garden (GPG) - All Rights Reserved
© 2024 ATLANTA: City of Peace, Inc (ACP) ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
*John R. Naugle authored ©Atlanta: City of Peace™
IF you feel we have infringed in any way, plz email:
ATLpeace2001 {at} gmail {dot} com